Our Story

We met in the summer of 2013 when we both joined the El Segundo High School cross country team. In fall of 2014 Luke asked me to the Homecoming dance with a customary proposal of the time: a big decorated poster popping the question, candy, and flowers. Spoiler: I said “Yes!” and continued to say yes for many homecoming dances and proms after that (and Luke got to say “Yes” when ESHS threw a Sadie Hawkins dance!)

Luke graduated high school in 2016 and began attending USC in Los Angeles, and in 2017 I graduated and began attending Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. Despite being long distance, we remained best friends and eventually settled into a long distance relationship (shout out to mom’s American Airlines benefits, those free trips back and forth were key here). In 2020, amidst the pandemic, we decided to spend the summer living together in Seattle. Luke “graduated” with his first degree while sitting on our living room floor with his laptop propped on the cardboard box we called a table that summer (it’s hard to justify furniture when you are only in the city for 12 short weeks!) We loved every moment of living together— thank goodness, because at the time, there wasn’t anywhere else to go! We had one last long distance stint left, then in 2021 I graduated, and in August we moved together to a cute little apartment in Hermosa Beach, CA.

Since then we have moved to Manhattan Beach where we currently reside. We have been traveling the world, enjoying ski trips, and every hobby under the sun including cooking from scratch, sourdough bread making, gardening, playing tennis, keeping an aquarium, and our newest addition: pottery. At the wedding make sure to look at the dinner plates we made each other for the occasion and every anniversary after.

Our anniversary is July 13th, but that is a Sunday! So we chose Saturday, July 12th for our wedding ceremony and we’ll hold on to our tradition by signing the marriage certificate right after midnight to keep our special date. It’ll be the perfect way to end the night—with all our favorite people cheering us on as we officially start forever together!